Advice of ANA – SRS Watch is a member – on nuclear weapons and DOE site clean-up issues for the next administration and Congress, Nov. 2, 2020
Nuclear weapons will demand the immediate attention of the next Administration and Congress. The last remaining effective arms control treaty between the United States and Russia, the New START Treaty, expires on February 5, 2021. The two trillion dollar plan to modernize US nuclear weapons has triggered a new and dangerous global nuclear arms race. ANA offers ten conservative actions the government can take immediately to reduce the nuclear threat, make the nation more secure, and save hundreds of billions of dollars.
1. Extend the New START Treaty immediately and open negotiations on a new arms reduction treaty.
2. Demonstrate leadership in nuclear nonproliferation efforts, including taking steps to fulfill its commitments under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. Compliance with the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons should be included in a new Nuclear Posture Review.
3. Downscale plans for modernization of the US nuclear weapons complex and stockpile. This action alone will save tens of billions of dollars over the next decade.
4. Stop the design and production of new nuclear warheads. Plans for the B61-12, the W80-4, W87-1 and the W93 are provocative and militarily unnecessary. The further new designs stray from certified-reliable, fully-tested designs, the higher the pressure to resume full-scale nuclear testing.
full list: https://ananuclear.org/priorities-for-nuclear-weapons-communities/