NNSA says: Just shut up and give us the money for the proposed SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP), even if it’s not justified or needed. Planning for large-scale nuclear war is profitable for DOE contractors and taxpayers don’t have the right to challenge our “logic”
DOE Aims to Enrich Nuclear Weapons Contractors, Fleece Taxpayers Over Unjustified Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) and Plutonium Pit Production
“In nuclear spending fight, it’s Trump allies vs. White House budget office”
Defense News, January 23, 2020
WASHINGTON — A new fight over America’s nuclear budget has erupted from behind the scenes,
“Lawmakers Assured Review of Nuclear Weapons Work [on plutonium “pits] to Be Open”
“Lawmakers Assured Review of Nuclear Weapons Work [on plutonium “pits] to Be Open”
Associated Press, Jan. 22, 2020
“Members of New Mexico’s congressional delegation say they’ve been assured by U.S.
SRS Watch in WBAI Radio Interview on the Dirty & Dangerous Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) Scheme, Jan. 17, 2020
SRS Watch radio interview on the crazy & co$tly scheme to turn the failed MOX plant into an unjustified Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP); a lawsuit under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) may loom
WBAI News with Paul DeRienzo,
Sierra Club program for January 27, 2020 will be on the proposed Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) at SRS
The John Bachman Group of the Sierra Club,
NNSA Bumbling Along with Misguided Plans for New Plutonium “Pit” Production for All US Nuclear Weapons
Here’s more proof that DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) is once again engaged in a “planning” process for the proposed Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) at SRS that is already off to a very bumpy start.
DOE/Contractor Cover-up of MOX Fraud and Mismanagement Takes a Hit with False Claims Filing Against MOX Services and Orano
Details of fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement in the cover-up by DOE & contractors in the MOX debacle is slowly coming out. We have the court filings in this case in case anyone wants them.
Uh, Lisa, Sorry but God Is Not the One Pushing a Nuclear Arms Race & a Plutonium Bomb Plant at SRS….
Lisa, it’s not God ( – read the article -) but it’s you and your big-government cronies and contractor$ who the ones pushing the costly and dangerous scheme to replace all pits in all nuclear weapons,
DNFSB to Hold Hearing on NNSA Activities at SRS, March 19 – Please Attend & Comment
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB): “Public Hearing on the Status of the Savannah River Site”
SRS Watch and fellow members of the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA) support the oversight work of the DNFSB and work for congressional support of their mission.
Nuclear Ship Savannah (NS Savannah): Failed Mission but Still a Beautiful Ship; NRC Finds No Violationss
Oh what a beautiful ship: Nuclear Ship Savannah (NS Savannah)!
The nation’s first nuclear-powered commercial ship failed in its mission but is still a beautiful sight to see.
Pursuit of New Plutonium Pit Production at SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) and Los Alamos Violates Environmental law and Court Order
Watchdog Groups Claim Nuclear Agency is Moving Forward to Manufacture New Plutonium Bomb Cores in Violation of National Environmental Law and an Existing Court Order
Group news release,
In Response to Public Interest Groups’ Request to DOE: “Comment Period on Disposal of Savannah River Defense Waste Extended”
Thanks to Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Hanford Challenge, SRS Watch and other public interest groups for this! Our letter to DOE requesting an extension of the comment period is available on request: srswatch@gmail.com.
In Response to SRS Watch and Other Groups, Comment Period Extended on SRS Waste Dumping Plan
In response to a request by SRS Watch and other public interest groups, the comment period for a plan to dump 10,000 gallons of SRS high-level waste as low-level waste has been extended.
SRS Glovebox Panel Cracked while Handling Plutonium Can: Occurrence Report on Nov. 13, 2019 event with “no contamination detected”
Glovebox Handling Surplus Plutonium Can Cracked During Surveillance
Occurrence Report Number: EM-SR–SRNS-KAREA-2019-0002 –
Cracked KIS Glovebox Panel (U)
13. Subject or Title of Occurrence:
Cracked KIS Glovebox Panel (U)
DOE IG Report Exposes Some of Failed MOX Project Mismanagement; More Investigations Needed
Tip of the MOX debacle mismanagement: “Subcontract Administration at the Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication Facility”
– by DOE Inspector General, released December 17, 2019
Report linked on IG website: https://www.energy.gov/ig/downloads/audit-report-doe-oig-20-16
We continue to ask: where are needed investigations into waste,
Letter in Aiken Newspaper: Proposed Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) at SRS is “Ill-Advised and Unnecessary”
“Letter: Plutonium pits aren’t needed”
Aiken (South Carolina) Standard, December 16, 2019
“According to a Dec. 11 story in the Aiken Standard, the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) authorizes the production of 50 plutonium pits per year at the Savannah River Site.
Barnwell, SC nuclear waste dump & SC DHEC thumb nose at SC Supreme Court
Based on observation by members of SRS Watch on December 5, 29019, it looks like no covers have been put over the waste disposal trenches at the Barnwell low-level nuclear waste dump,
Old Barnwell Reprocessing Plant Stands as Tribute to Failed Idea
Photo by SRS Watch, December 5, 2019: The looming hulk of the long-shuttered Allied-General Nuclear Services (AGNS) reprocessing plant near Barnwell, South Carolina (and adjacent to the DOE’s Savannah River Site).
FOIA Request on Repurposing of the MOX Plant to a Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP): Documents to SRS Watch by December 5, 2019?
Per requirements of the Freedom of Information Act, will DOE provide documents to SRS Watch by December 5, 2019 on the conversion of MOX plant to a Plutonium Bomb Plant?
Japan’s Plutonium Stockpile in the UK is a Costly, Worthless Burden – What to do with it?
What to do with Japan’s plutonium stockpile at the Sellafield nuclear site in the UK? It has a huge negative value.
“What should be done with Japan’s plutonium now stored in the UK?
DOE Pit Presentation Underscores No Justification for SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant, by Los Alamos, Nov. 14, 2019
DOE propaganda presentation on pits is woefully inadequate and fails to make the case for expanded pit production. Is this all they can come up with to sell new plutonium pit production for a new and unneeded nuclear warhead (“W87-1-like”)?!
Eight New Cracks in Aging High-Level Radioactive Waste Tanks Found, SRS Contractor Says Structural Integrity OK; Groundwater Plumes Monitored
“Annual Radioactive Waste Tank Inspection Program – 2018,” June 2019
“Rainwater continues periodically to be observed migrating into the annuli of some tanks. Evidence of this infiltration was primarily noted by observation of surface stains,
Exemption Sought to Ship Plutonium-238 Tanks from SRS to WIPP
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued an exemption to Nuclear Waste Partnerships. LLC to ship 2 boxes of transuranic waste from SRS to the DOE’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in New Mexico.
Disaster at Rocky Flats Plutonium Pit Site Holds Lessons for Proposed SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant
FBI agent who raided Rocky Flats Plant to speak
Albuquerque (New Mexico) Journal, November 17, 2019
SANTA FE, N.M. — Jon Lipsky is a retired federal agent with a big notch in his gun – he shut down a plant that made plutonium parts for the nation’s nuclear weapons.
NNSA Must Comply with a Host of Things before Proceeding Further on SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP)
Among other things, DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNA) must halt proceeding on plans for the unauthorized and unfunded SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant (PMP) until the following (and other) things are complied with.
Uh oh…Discovery of Contamination in SRS Radiological Protection Department Office
“Occurrence Report” for radioactive contamination in a “clean area” of the SRS high-level waste vitrification plant (Defense Waste Process Facility)
On October 22, 2019,
Thanks to the League of Women Voters of SC for Opposing the Proposed Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP)
“League of Women Voters S.C. opposes pit production at Savannah River Site”
“The League of Women Voters of South Carolina opposes the production of nuclear weapon cores,
Presentations by Speakers at Nov. 12 Events on SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant & Rocky Flats Plutonium Pit-Production Disaster
Focus of Presentations: Why the proposed Plutonium Bomb Plant at SRS is Dangerous and unnecessary & and Lessons Learned from the DOE’s Rocky Flats Disaster with Plutonium Pit Production in Colorado
Rocky Flats Disaster: Red Light for SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant,
Media Coverage of Nov. 12 Events on Unneeded “Plutonium Bomb Plant” at SRS & Lessons from the Rocky Flats Plutonium Disaster
Here are links to print articles, TV coverage and livestream of the Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) news conference and forum that were held on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 –
NNSA’s Violation of FOIA on Conversion of MOX Plant to Plutonium Bomb Plant is Challenged
Lawyer for SRS Watch demands response from DOE to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for documents on “repurposing” the shuttered plutonium fuel (MOX) plant into a Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP).