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“Special Nuclear Materials” Shipped from Europe to Charleston, South Carolina in Advance of Nuclear Security Summit
Nuclear Security Summit Alert March 23, 2014 “Special Nuclear Materials” Shipped from Europe to Charleston, South Carolina in Advance of Nuclear Security Summit Was Canadian Plutonium from Belgium and Italy on UK-Flagged Pacific Egret?
DOE Releases 2012 MOX “Report” to Congress, Sits on Details of Sequester Impact to MOX
A Week after the “Sequester” Hits, DOE Remains Mum on MOX Impacts – Keep Waiting to Learn how Your Money is being MisspentIn a move which only heightens public suspicion about the problem-plagued plutonium fuel (MOX) program and the Department of Energy’s (DOE) lack of openness about it,
GAO Confirms Massive $2 Billion Cost Increase for Plutonium Fuel (MOX) Plant at Savannah River Site – NNSA Outed by GAO
NNSA Cover-Up of Massive Cost Increase of MOX Plant Blown by GAO – Ooopppsss!
In a report issued by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) on February 14,