Buried secrets, poisoned bodies
December 20, 2023 – in Searchlight New Mexico, investigative journalism website (something we unfortunately do not have in South Carolina – all we get is SRS “SubStandard”
Latest News
Warning to South Carolina & Georgia: As SRS Aims to Ramp Up Plutonium Operations, Los Alamos Suffers Plutonium Fire
Plutonium is flammable, so there will be risks to SRS workers, the environment and public if SRS ever processes plutonium into “pits” for new nuclear warheads, part of the US effort to stoke a new nuclear arms race.
“A New Nuclear Arms Race?” – Proposed SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant a key to the madness of a new nuclear arms race
Proposed SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant a key to the madness of a new nuclear arms race
“A New Nuclear Arms Race?”
article in Defense & Security Monitor, November 15, 2023
As the world faces another full-scale war in the Middle East,
“U.S. Strategic Posture Commission Ratchets Up Nuclear Arms Race”
From Nuclear Watch New Mexico, a fellow organization with SRS Watch in the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA):
U.S. Strategic Posture Commission Ratchets Up
Nuclear Arms Race
Was legal fee in lawsuit about plutonium storage at SRS lawful?
Dispute over $75M in legal fees SC attorney general paid to law firms now in judge’s hands
A decision is expected soon on whether to keep alive a lawsuit that questions the right of South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson to award $75 million in fees to private attorneys who helped secure $600 million for the state in a dispute involving the Savannah River Site.
“South Carolina nuclear plant gets yellow warning over another cracked emergency fuel pipe”
South Carolina nuclear plant gets yellow warning over another cracked emergency fuel pipe
Small cracks have been found a half-dozen times in the past 20 years.
Nuclear experts raise new concerns about industry-led policy proposals to separate plutonium in Canada
Nuclear experts raise new concerns about industry-led policy proposals to separate plutonium in Canada
(Sept. 25 2023) Twelve internationally recognized nuclear experts have sent an open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,
Safety Board Underscores Serious Design Concerns with the Proposed SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant
“Are They Already Cutting Corners on Worker Protection at DOE’s New Plutonium Processing Plant?”
CounterPunch, September 11, 2023
As of this past Labor Day,
Activists Against Nuclear War Plans by DOE Appear in Court – Thanks to these Patriots for their Important Work!
The U.S. Department of Energy is central to U.S. plans for full-scale nuclear war. But some patriots are confronting those plans as they pose a threat to all of us .
Nuclear Weapons & Planning for Full-Scale Nuclear War : Zoom Event of August 16, 2023 Archived: “Oppenheimer’s Legacy: South Carolina and SRS at the Center of the New Nuclear Arms Race
Oppenheimer’s Legacy: South Carolina and SRS at the Center of the New Nuclear Arms Race
In case you missed the August 16,
Say What?! DNFSB Reports Leaking, Ignored Uranium Drum in DOE’s Aging H-Canyon Reprocessing Plant at SRS
An often-ignored but important agency – the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) – which conducts oversight of DOE activities reveals that a leaking radioactive drum “believed” to be uranium waste was “discovered”
Recommendation for Spent Fuel Reprocessing Study at SRS Reflects Profound Lack of Understanding, Fails to Move Forward
A draft recommendation before the Savannah River Site Citizens Advisory Board (SRS CAB) to explore reprocessing of commercial spent fuel at SRS is misguided, poorly written and reveals profound ignorance of SRS abilities and the problems associated with reprocessing.
Barbies Say “No to Nuclear War” and SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant at Showings in Columbia, South Carolina
At showings of the films “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer” at The Nickelodeon Theater in Columbia, South Carolina, in July 2023, pink-clad Barbies have been leafletting and engaging film attendees concerning the renewed threat of nuclear war,
Hiroshima Nuclear Bombing Commemoration, August 6, 2023, in Columbia, South Carolina & Learn about the Proposed SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant, Key to the New Nuclear Arms Race
Please attend this event in Columbia, South Carolina on August 6, 2023, to commemorate the 78th anniversary of the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima (uranium bomb) and Nagasaki (plutonium bomb).
Sierra Club Call to Action to Oppose Plutonium “Pit” Production at SRS — Clean-up not build-up!
South Carolina Chapter of the Sierra Club: Action alert against plutonium pit production for new nuclear warheads, July 2023:
Call to Action to Oppose Plutonium “Pit” Production —
“Safety Lapses at Los Alamos National Laboratory” – Sadly, such Reporting is Dead when it comes to SRS
While investigative journalism is dead concerning SRS – to the detriment of our democracy – good that it still lives in New Mexico:
“Safety lapses at Los Alamos National Laboratory –
Rocky Flats Horror Show: Film about Plutonium Pit Production Disaster in Process – The Plutonium-Contaminated, Closed Rocky Flats Pit-Production Site in Colorado is a Stark Reminder of the Threats of Pit Production at SRS and the Risks of a New Nuclear Arms Race
Plutonium pit production – for the core of nuclear weapons – was an environmental and health disaster at the Rocky Flats plant near Denver, Colorado. Officially closed in 1992,
Challenges to Plutonium “Pit” Fabrication and New ICBMs to Use Pits, Pressure to Return to Nuclear Testing
Do challenges in plutonium pit fabrication for a new ICBM pose the risk of a return to nuclear weapons testing in Nevada?
“As America’s Nuclear Arsenal Upgrades, Usual Testing is Scrapped”
Difficulties of finding plutonium pit workers in New Mexico; but plutonium pit staffing problems worse at SRS has no nuclear-bomb manufacturing experience & no experience since 1980s in processing molten plutonium
This article about new nuclear bomb production at the Los Alamos National Lab in New Mexico is of importance because the same thing is happening at SRS. The “defense”
DOE Breaks 6 Years of Unjustified Silence, Finally Complies with Environmental Commitment Concerning Now-Terminated German Spent Fuel Import Scheme
Embarrassed DOE Forced to Finally Publicly Admit Failure in Scheme to Dump German High-Level Nuclear Waste on SRS, But SRS Watch Learned Much Earlier that the Project was Dead and Informed the Public Months Ago,
DOE Belatedly Admits it Stiffed Congress on Plan for Versatile Test Reactor (VTR), More Confirmation VTR is Dead
DOE finally confirms that the congressionally required public-private funding plan for the plutonium-fueled Versatile Test Reactor (VTR) doesn’t exist.
Why did it take over two years to make this embarrassing admission?
“Dealing with a debacle: A better plan for US plutonium pit production” at SRS & Los Alamos National Lab
If you are following the issue of production of plutonium “pits” for new nuclear weapons, you will want to check out this April 27, 2023 article in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists:
Dealing with a debacle: A better plan for US plutonium pit production
By Curtis T.
Cancel SRS plutonium bomb plant: “Dealing with a debacle: A better plan for US plutonium pit production”
Read why there is no “need” for a nuclear bomb factory (to make plutonium cores for new nuclear weapons) at SRS:
“Dealing with a debacle: A better plan for US plutonium pit production“
Congressman raises spectre of exploding costs for SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant
As always, complex nuclear projects for DOE are always delayed and run far over budget. Now we see that happening with the proposed SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant and the missile for which new pits would be supplied (for the W87-1 warhead).
A warning on the Biden budget proposal for FY24: “Biden Releases Record NNSA Nuclear Weapons Budget”
Nuclear Watch New Mexico reviews proposed Fiscal Year 2024 federal budget and finds some very alarming things, March 13, 2023:
Biden Releases Record NNSA Nuclear Weapons Budget
Santa Fe,
SCANA Official in Charge of Construction of Failed VC Summer Nuclear Project to be Sentenced on March 8, 2023
SRS Watch news: SCANA Official in Charge of Construction of Failed VC Summer Nuclear Project to be Sentenced in Federal Court on March 8, 2023; Admitted Felon Faces 5-Years in Prison but Asks for 15-Month Sentence;
US NRC authorized export of uranium to Russia, license expires December 31, 2023
Will export of uranium from the United States to Russia help pay for the war? How long will uranium export and import go on? Will a new export license be sought after the current license expires on December 31,
Japan’s Efforts to Stockpile yet more Weapon-Usable Plutonium Suffers Setback
Those aiming to proliferate weapon-usable plutonium suffer yet another setback:
“Japan’s Rokkasho reprocessing plant, 25 years behind schedule, delayed again”
On 26 December 2022, Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited announced another delay in completion of the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant.
New Mexico Governor Opposes Holtec Spent Fuel “Interim” Storage in State
Governor Michele Lujan Grisham of New Mexico has sent a letter, dated November 16, 2022, to President Biden in opposition to private plans for “interim” storage of highly radioactive commercial spent fuel in southeastern New Mexico.
Like the Proposed SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant, Pursuit of New Plutonium “Pits” at Los Alamos is Fueling a New Nuclear Arms Race
New plutonium pit production facilities at the Los Alamos National Lab (LANL) in New Mexico and the Savannah River Site (SRS) in South Carolina are being pursued to initially make pits (cores,