Schedule for federal court proceedings against top Westinghouse official – Jeffrey Benjamin – at the VC Summer construction site for felony conspiracy & fraud in the failed construction of two Westinghouse AP1000 nuclear reactors –
Latest News
Public Interest Victories at SRS: Import of German Spent Fuel Off the Table; H-Canyon Reprocessing Plant Closure Set on Track for 2033
More public interest victories to add to the list of victories over 40 years!
In July 2022, there have been two significant developments at the U.S.
Effort to dump highly radioactive German spent fuel on SRS dealt blow by new state government in NRW
The new CDU-Green coalition in the North Rhine-Westphalia government has negative implications for the decade-long effort to dump German spent fuel on the Savannah River Site. That spent fuel is from the long-closed AVR gas-cooled reactor and the spent fuel is stored at Jülich.
Requirements placed on plutonium pit production by House Armed Services committee
A skeptical Congress is finally beginning to put some requirements on plutonium pit production, for new nuclear weapons, in the face of DOE’s effort to move forward without constraints.
Will DOE dare issue EIS “Record of Decision” on Zombie Reactor? The Versatile Test Reactor, project killed by Congress, merits investigation by DOE’s OIG
Zombie project stays in the crypt: The Versatile Test Reactor (VTR) was defunded by Congress in March 2022 and therefore killed. But some die-hard backers in DOE still keep after the reactor,
SRS Watch Rocks Against Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) at Bonnie Raitt Concerts
SRS Watch staff and volunteers were asked to table at the Bonnie Raitt/Lucinda Williams concerts in Charlotte, NC on June1, 2022 and in Columbia, SC on June 4,
Nuclear Bombs Lost Over Spain in 1966 – Plutonium Waste Dumped at SRS – Free Film through May 29, 2022
NRC Again Delays Issuance of EIS on Westinghouse Fuel Fabrication Plant License Extension, Columbia, South Carolina
Issuance by US Nuclear Regulatory Commission of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on Westinghouse nuclear fuel plant in Columbia, SC is delayed again – to July 2022. Final decision on operating license extension scheduled for August 2022.
“Los Alamos Lab: More Plutonium, More Nuclear Weapons” – Same Dangerous Situation for SRS
Given the proposed SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) to build plutonium pits for new, provocative nuclear weapons, an integral part of a dangerous US policy to fight a full-scale nuclear war,
Safety Board Concerned about Safety of Plutonium Pit Storage at DOE’s Pantex Site in Texas – Implications for Unsafe Production at Proposed SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP)?
Storage of plutonium “pits” (core of nuclear weapons) aren’t being stored to safety requirements at DOE’s Pantex site in Texas.
The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) staff report “Pantex Plant Pit Inventory Review”
DOE Nuclear Weapons Plan Admits Few SRS Personnel Working on Proposed SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant – Challenges Increase
On March 16, 2022, the DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) released its annual plans for nuclear weapons. Called the “Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan,” it lays out NNSA support for keeping the US on the footing to fight a full-scale nuclear war.
Confirmation that SRS Plutonium was taken to DOE’s Pantex Site in Texas
The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB), which conducts oversight of DOE projects , has confirmed that plutonium from SRS was taken to the Pantex site in Texas,
DOE’s Versatile Test Reactor (VTR) Project Terminated in Omnibus Spending Bill – Budget Slashed to $0; VTR Plutonium Fuel Fabrication Possibility at SRS Goes Down the Tubes
UPDATE on March 9, 2022: Looks like the end is at hand for the Versatile Test Reactor (VTR). It is due to get knocked out of the House Omnibus funding legislation for Fiscal Year 2022 funding &
Request to NRC for Important Schedules for Vogtle Nuclear Reactor Construction Milestones Falls on Deaf Ears
SRS Watch has requested of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission that key construction completion dates be released to the public about the construction of the $30+ billion Vogtle nuclear reactors by Southern Nuclear (parent of Georgia Power) in Georgia,
DOE/NRC/TVA Aim to Ramp Up Production in Commercial Nuclear Reactors of Tritium Gas for All Nuclear Weapons – Part of Plans to Stay on Footing for Full-Scale Nuclear War – Please Join January 19 Meeting & Coment
As anticipated, the DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), serving its Department of Defense (DOD) client, has instructed the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the government-owned Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to take steps to increase production of tritium gas in the commercial Watts Bar Nuclear Bomb Reactors (WBNBRs) in Tennessee.
Federal, State Agencies Amp Up Pressure on NRC & Contamination from Westinghouse Nuclear Fuel Plant Near Columbia, SC
“Burned nuclear worker, troubled history raise EPA concern over SC atomic fuel plant”
Front page article in The State, Columbia, SC, December 6, 2021
linked here:
SRS Watch report on role of the Westinghouse military-commercial dual-use facility in nuclear weapons:
Crossing the Line: South Carolina Nuclear Weapons Secrets Exposed –
Update on Opposition to Revving Up a New Nuclear Arms Race: “Plutonium Pits Lawsuit re: Savannah River Site in South Carolina, Los Alamos in New Mexico” – Nuclear Hotseat podcast, Dec. 1, 2021
Nuclear Hotseat podcast: “Plutonium Pits Lawsuit re: Savannah River Site in South Carolina, Los Alamos in New Mexico”
– with update on our lawsuit against DOE for failure to prepare a Programmatic EIS on expanded pit production at SRS (via the proposed Plutonium Bomb Plant) and at Los Alamos National Lab,
VC Summer Reactor Shuttered Due to Transformer Fire – NRC to SRS Watch
According to communication fro m the NRC’s Region 2 to SRS Watch, Dominion Energy’s VC Summer unit 1 reactor north of Columbia, South Carolina has been shut down due to a transformer fir report on November 17.
Based on SRS Watch Report: “Secretive defense plant operating in the shadow of atomic fuel factory near Columbia”
Article, behind paywall in The State news paper, front page Nov. 21, 2021, is based on the SRS Watch report released on November 19, 2021: “Crossing the Line: South Carolina Nuclear Weapons Secrets Exposed”
Article on SRS Plutonium Disposal, with SRS Watch Comments
“Plutonium could go to New Mexico next year. It will come from the Savannah River Site” – SRS plutonium has already been shipped to WIPP in New Mexico but the amounts could ramp up,
Former SCANA CEO Agrees to 24 Months in Prison, $5 Million Fine for VC Summer Reactor Construction Debacle – Sentencing on October 7, 2021; Judge Should Consider Larger Fine
The former CEO of SCANA, Kevin Marsh, has agreed to a 24-months prison sentence and a $5 million fine for his role in the fraudulent scheme to construct the VC Summer reactors in South Carolina.
SRS Employment in Fiscal Year 2021 Steady at Near 11,500, with 11,000 Contractors, 500 with DOE/NNSA
SRS employment holds steady near 11,500 during Fiscal Year 2021, with DOE having only about 500 employees out of that figure, with most of them being contractors.
There does not appears to be a significant uptick in employment by DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration for the proposed project to convert the never finished plutonium fuel (MOX) building into the SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant.
Inability of SRS to Pull Off the MOX Project Sows Doubt & Mistrust of SRS and its Ability to Build the Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP)
“Stumbling plutonium pit project reveals DOE’s uphill climb of nuclear modernization”
Opinion piece in The Hill, by Tom Clements, Director of SRS Watch
The inability of SRS to pull off the MOX project now haunts plutonium pit plans –
SRS Watch article: “US attorney details illegal acts in construction projects, sealing the fate of the “nuclear renaissance” – Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
US attorney details illegal acts in construction projects, sealing the fate of the “nuclear renaissance”
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, August 31, 2021
By Tom Clements | Savannah River Site Watch,
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Affirms that a Little Radiation may be Bad for Health
Amazingly, the NRC denies industry friendly petitions that claim “a little radiation is good for you.”
“Petition for Rulemaking; Denial: Linear No-Threshold Model and Standards for Protection Against Radiation”
Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Nuclear Ship Savannah: Failed Mission as Commercial Nuclear-Powered Ship but still a Beauty; NRC Inspection Report
NRC inspection report of the Nuclear Ship Savannah, August 10, 2021:
“U.S. Department of Transportation, N.S. Savannah – NRC Inspection Report 05000238/2021001”
“On July 12,
NRC Posts Updates, Photos on Construction of “Mega-Volume” Waste Disposal Facilities at SRS
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has posted updates, with many photos, on construction of two massive 32-million-gallon concrete “tanks” to hold redefined high-level nuclear waste processed via the new Salt Waste Processing Facility (SWPF) from the SRS high-level waste tanks;
Make an Offer on Massive Crane Left Behind at Failed VC Summer Nuclear Reactor Construction Project!
Massive construction crane available! Start the bidding! Could be featured in a memorial to the two large, failed nuclear construction projects in the US: Vogtle in Georgia &
Forty-Year License Extension for Westinghouse Uranium Fuel Plant in Columbia, SC Not Justified in Quietly Released Draft EIS, July 30, 2021 – SRS Watch Comments
SRS Watch news, July 30, 2021: Draft Environmental Impact Statement on Westinghouse Nuclear Fuel Plant in Columbia, South Carolina Quietly Released by Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Groundwater Contamination Issues and Ever-Present Accident Threat Don’t Justify 40-Year License Extension
Draft EIS Glosses Over Current Contamination and Ignores Future Impacts;
Sentencing of Former SCANA CEO Kevin Marsh, for Fraud in Terminated South Carolina Nuclear Reactor Construction Project, Inching Closer – How Much Time will the Admitted Felon Get?
Request granted by court: “WHEREFORE the Defendant, Kevin Marsh, respectfully moves this Court for an order extending the deadline in which he can file objections to the Presentence Investigation Report until August 2,