“Under Trump, the nuclear weapons industry has boomed – Expansion could be scaled back as President-elect Biden and Congress prioritize pandemic and recession problems.”
Latest News
Article on Versatile Test Reactor (aka Virtual Test Reactor) – Given Cost & Risks How Long Can this Project Last?
SRS Watch in “DOE publishes reactor impact statement”
Idaho Falls Post Register, December 21, 2020
“The U.S. Department of Energy has released the draft environmental impact statement for a test reactor it would like to build at Idaho National Laboratory.”
DOE Funding Document Posted as Part of Omnibus Process, December 21, 2020
Congress has finally posted funding language for Fiscal Year 2021.
Full Omnibus bill: https://rules.house.gov/sites/democrats.rules.house.gov/files/BILLS-116HR133SA-RCP-116-68.pdf
Division D – Energy & Water funding:
page 108
Plutonium Pit Production.-The agreement reiterates House direction regarding plutonium pit production and clarifies that the plan to complete a resource-loaded integrated master schedule shall include all pit production-related project and program activities that shall provide additional details within high-level milestones for projects based on GAO best practices.
Why the Continuous DOE Silence about Problems with SWPF Start-up at SRS?
DOE needs to fully reveal what’s going on with the start-up of the new high-level waste processing facility – Salt Waste Processing Facility (SWPF) – at SRS.
Doubts Grow about Unjustified Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) at SRS: “‘Highly skeptical’: House Armed Services chairman concerned about SRS pit production”
Unjustified Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) proposed for SRS faces new challenges from key member of US House
News article in Charleston (South Carolina) Post &
DOE Announces Plan to Prepare EIS on Disposition 34 Metric Tons of Surplus Plutonium, Key Role for SRS
“Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the Surplus Plutonium Disposition Program” – Federal Register on December 16, 2020
“Public scoping” comment period begins December 16,
The Courage of Greenpeace Needed to Confront Push for New Nuclear Arms Race and Proposed $R$ Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP)
Peace Train: Greenpeace brings half-century of sheer courage
The environmental nonprofit organization’s many voyages have made a mark on nuclear testing sites
Boulder (Colorado) Daily Camera,
Safety Board names degraded SRS facilities, cites DOE for “erosion in DOE’s nuclear safety framework”
The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety (DNSB) is an independent agency providing invaluable oversight of DOE operations. A recent report on recommendations by the board points out numerous shortcomings by DOE in its operations.
Nuclear Ship Savannah, Docked in Baltimore, Still Contains Radioactive Material – First Commercial Nuclear-Powered Ship did Not Pave the Way to the Future
The Nuclear Ship Savannah, the world’s first commercial nuclear powered ship, remains at dock in Baltimore Maryland and awaits being fully decommissioned and possibly turned into a museum.
Safety Board Affirms Elevated Radiation Levels in New High-Level Waste Facility at SRS, DOE Remains Mum
The Defense Nuclear facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) has confirmed that a potential radiation exposure concern is present in the newly started Salt Waste Processing Facility (SWPF). SRS Watch was alerted about this problem about two months ago but DOE has kept it on the down low.
Helping inform the Public about SRS: BREDL Podcast on Savannah River Site, with the SRS Watch Director
“Everything You Need to Know About the Savannah River Site (SRS)”
Want to learn about SRS? Listen to this BREDL podcast with the SRS Watch director,
US NRC Analyzes SRS High-Level Waste Tank “Closure,” Makes Recommendations to DOE
As SRS aims to fill more high-level waste tanks with “grout,” the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission submits an analysis on the approach DOE took with in-situ tank closure of Tank 12H.
SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant to be Reviewed by Biden Administration – Article in The State, Columbia, South Carolina
“Is jobs-rich nuclear plant in jeopardy? Biden expected to re-examine SC factory”
The State, Columbia, South Carolina, November 27, 2020
Earlier this month, efforts to build a jobs-rich nuclear weapons component factory in South Carolina reached a milestone that boosters hoped would keep construction plans on track over the next decade.
HOT NEWS! Former SCANA Nuclear Boss Pleads Guilty to Fraud for Nuclear Reactor Construction Debacle in South Carolina!
“Nuclear fiasco: SCANA ex-CEO to plead guilty to fraud, get prison, pay $5 million”
The State, Columbia, SC, November 24, 2020
article linked here: https://www.thestate.com/news/politics-government/article247398515.html
Kevin Marsh plea agreement,
Will New DOE Appointees Jettison the Destructive Fraidy-Cat Policy of Refusing to Meet with Public Interest Groups?
For the last four year, DOE officials have been shaking in their fraidy-cat boots and have refused to meet with public interest organizations working on SRS and DOE issues.
NNSA Administrator – US DOE Nuclear Weapons Boss – Jumps Ship Post-Election or Fired? November 6, 2020
National Nuclear Security AdministrationU.S. Department of EnergyFor Immediate ReleaseFriday, Nov. 6, 2020Contact: NNSA Public Affairs, (202) 586-7371 or nnsanews@nnsa.doe.gov
Lisa E. Gordon-Hagerty Resigns as NNSA Administrator
Advice of ANA – SRS Watch is a member –
“Poverty and the Pandemic: Ending Poverty, Creating Solutions and Fighting for Environmental Justice in South Carolina” – Sierra Club program, October 26
“Poverty and the Pandemic: Ending Poverty, Creating Solutions and Fighting for Environmental Justice in SC”
Livestreamed program by the Sierra Club, Columbia, SC, Monday,
Disposal of Unused Plutonium Fuel (MOX), Containing Weapon-Grade Plutonium, Demands Environmental, Security Analyses: Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety
SRS Watch in: “DOE Activities Raise Safety Concerns about Plutonium at Three Facilities”
Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, Santa Fe, New Mexico, September 30, 2020
According to the Department of Energy (DOE),
Will Politicians Comment on DOE’s Plans to Bring Another 35 Metric Tons of Plutonium to South Carolina?
Will politicians comment on plans to bring another 35 metric tons of plutonium to SRS for processing as waste and for fabrication into “pits” for nuclear weapons?
“World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2020” Released – Nuclear Power Stagnant
“Three takeaways from the 2020 World Nuclear Industry Status Report”
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, September 25, 2020 – article posted here: https://thebulletin.org/2020/09/three-takeaways-from-the-2020-world-nuclear-industry-status-report/
“The size of the global nuclear fleet has been stagnant for 30 years,
DOE, State of South Carolina to Announce Plutonium Settlement on August 31 – Plans to Import 35 Metric Tons of Plutonium for Plutonium Disposition and Fabrication into “Pits” for Nuclear Warheads likely to be Ignored
Please Attend News Conference on Savannah River Site Plutonium Disposition, Monday, August 31, 11 a.m., State House, Columbia, SC – Show Your Concern about Secrecy with Plutonium Processing
The Announcement by DOE and SC Attorney General Wilson Involves 11.5 Metric Tons of Plutonium Now at SRS but What Won’t be Said is that Another 35 Metric Tons of Plutonium is Destined for SRS –
Historic “Dark Circle” Movie on Risks of Nuclear Age, Including Disasters with Plutonium Pit Production at Rocky Flats, to Air August 21, 8 p.m. EDT
“Dark Circle” movie to air on August 21, 8 p.m. EDT – https://metrograph.com/live-screenings/dark-circle/
“It’s been 75 years this month since the start of the Atomic Age, with the U.S.
Hiroshima/Nagasaki 75th Anniv. Commemoration, Columbia, SC, August 8, 2020, with Short Video on SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant
Director of SRS Watch says a few words at the Hiroshima/Nagasaki 75th anniversary event in downtown Columbia, South Carolina on August 8, 2020 about the folly of planning for nuclear war,
Video on SRS Plutonium “Pit” Madness on August 9th, 75th Anniversary of the Nagasaki Bombing
August 9th Hiroshima/Nagasaki 75th anniversary video commemoration by the local Columbia Friends Meeting (Quakers), Columbia, SC: “Peace Now: Clean Up, Not Build Up at Savannah River Site”
DOE “Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste Inventory Report,” with commercial and DOE amounts
“Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste Inventory Report”
“This report provides information on the inventory of commercial spent fuel (SNF) and high-level radioactive waste (HLW) in the United States,
Nuclear Weapons Mishaps Explained, with Mention of the Palomares “Broken Arrow” Accident in 1966, which Resulted in Plutonium from the Partial “Clean-up” being Buried at the Savannah River Plant
“Nuclear Weapon Accident Response Overview”
Flag Words for Accidents and Incidents Involving Nuclear Weapons
Nuclear weapon accident defined as
An unexpected event due to accidental circumstances involving
Sweet Victory for Citizens & Patriots! Nuclear Official in South Carolina Pleads Guilty to Felony in $11+ Billion Nuclear Reactor Construction Debacle
“Top ex-SCANA official Stephen Byrne pleads guilty in SC nuclear fiasco fraud case”
The State, Columbia, South Carolina, July 23, 2020
Stephen Byrne,
July 16, 2020: 75th Anniversary of the First Nuclear Weapons Blast at the Trinity Site in New Mexico Site
‘Now I Am Become Death’: The Legacy of the First Nuclear Bomb Test
The 75th anniversary of what’s known as the Trinity explosion, the world’s first nuclear weapon test,
PLEASE ATTEND THIS HISTORIC EVENT! SCE&G Official who Perpetrated VC Summer Nuclear Fraud to Plead Guilty, July 23, Federal Court in Columbia, SC – Lock him up! Lock him up!
Thursday, July 23, 2020 guilty plea by SCE&G nuclear debacle mastermind Stephan Byrne. BE THERE – federal court house, Columbia, South Carolina – for this historic event!