Here are links to print articles, TV coverage and livestream of the Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) news conference and forum that were held on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 –
Latest News
Plutonium Bomb Plant Forum on Nov. 12: Article in Aiken, SC Paper, Nov 11, 2019
“Watchdogs to warn of SRS pit production risks during public forum”
Aiken, SC paper, Nov. 11, 2019
Questions Raised by GAO about Plutonium Downblending at SRS
Surplus Plutonium Disposition: NNSA’s Long-Term Plutonium Oxide Production Plans Are Uncertain
GAO-20-166: Published: Oct 23, 2019. Publicly Released: Oct 23, 2019.
The National Nuclear Security Administration manages 57.2 metric tons of surplus plutonium.
Public Interest Groups Push Back Against DOE’s New Nuclear Bomb Plant at Y-12 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee
“Citizen Groups File Motion to Enforce Court Order Vacating NNSA Decision on Uranium Processing Facility Construction”
If DOE/NNSA continues to move toward the unauthorized Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) at SRS without following the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA),
Problems Keep Coming at Westinghouse Uranium Nuclear Fuel Plant in Columbia, SC – Big Accident Lurking?
SRS Watch director in “Nuclear workers hospitalized; Columbia plant runs afoul of safety rules – again”
The State, Columbia, South Carolina, October 23, 2019- on line &
DOE Reports Nationwide Amounts of DOE and Commercial Spent Fuel Inventories – Problem Getting Worse as No Long-term Disposition Plan Exists
Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste Inventory Report, prepared for DOE, September 2019
83,500 MT of commercial spent fuel & 2300 MT of DOE spent fuel
“This report provides information on the inventory of commercial spent fuel (SNF) and high-level
radioactive waste (HLW) in the United States,
DOE Oversight Board Meets on Safety of Tritium Facilities (for Nuclear Weapons) at SRS – DNFSB to Discuss NNSA’s Rejection of Board Recommendation
“The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board will hold a public meeting to provide an opportunity for the Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration to brief the Board on their basis for rejecting Recommendation 2019-2 and the actions completed,
Secretary of Energy Perry to Bail Out of Trump’s Deepening Muck – But a Bit Too Late to Avoid the Splatter?
“Perry Tells Trump He Will Resign as Energy Secretary –
Rick Perry, the former governor of Texas who has become enmeshed in the Ukraine scandal, said he would resign as secretary of energy.”
A Public-Interest Hero Passes; Martin Forwood’s Work Against Reprocessing at Sellafield Nuclear Complex, UK Resulted in a Victory for the Environment and Public
A giant has fallen. Martin Forwood was a highly respected campaigner and friend of SRS Watch and will be sorely missed. His tireless work gainst spent fuel reprocessing at the THORP facility Sellafield in the UK resulted in ultimate victory.
Nevada seeks to restart lawsuit over needless plutonium shipment from SRS
Good for the State of Nevada. There is no need to be shipping plutonium from SRS to other sites with no final destination and absent disposition plans.
“Nevada seeks to restart lawsuit over US plutonium shipment”
Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board to Meet on DOE Spent Fuel Storage, Including that Stored in the L-Basin at SRS
It’s about time that somebody pushed SRS on exploring dry cask storage of spent fuel (vs reprocessing in the aged H-Canyon). They have been dragging their feet on that for many,
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Reviews Disposal of High-Level Waste Byproducts in “Salt Disposal Units” at SRS
“SAVANNAH RIVER SITE SALT WASTE DISPOSAL NRC Onsite Observation Visit, September 17, 2019”
Drill at SRS Tritium Facilities Observed by Safety Board, Problems Revealed
Drill at SRS facilities processing tritium – radioactive gas used to boost the explosive power of nuclear weapons – runs into snags
The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB),
Opinion Against Unjustified “Plutonium Bomb Plant” at SRS: “Expanding nuclear weapon production is reckless”
As Congress discusses defense authorization & spending for Fiscal Year 2020, good to see this opinion column against unjustified plutonium “pit” production at SRS (in a proposed Plutonium Bomb Plant –
No MOX Case before US Supreme Court – Last Gasp of the Debacle?
Looks like South Carolina Attorney Wilson has failed in his last-gasp attempt to get a hearing about termination of the MOX boondoggle onto the docket of the US Supreme Court.
SC Dept of Labor, Licensing and Regulation Takes a Dodge, Declines to Hold Disciplinary Hearing Against Westinghouse re VC Summer AP1000 Reactor Design Certification
The South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (LLR) has declined to open a formal disciplinary hearing against Westinghouse concerning information that design of the AP1000 reactors at the VC Summer site were not stamped by board-certified engineers.
“Coverup charged at MOX plant” – Who is blocking investigations into fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement? Senator Lindsey Graham and Rep. Joe Wilcon?
SRS Watch in “Coverup charged at MOX plant”
Lexington County (South Carolina) Chronicle, Wed, 10/02/2019, by Jerry Bellune,
Washington is covering up a failed $51 billion plutonium fuel project 40 minutes from Lexington County.
Tokai JCO Uranium Facility: 20th Anniversary of Japan’s Worst Nuclear Accident until Fukushima
On its 20th anniversary – Recalling Japan’s worst nuclear accident before the Fukushima nuclear reactor meltdowns on March 11, 2011
“How the US Wasted $8 Billion on the MOX Boondoggle” (which SRS Watch Tried to Stop for Decades)
SRS Watch, which fought long and hard for taxpayers against the MOX boondoggle, is mentioned in this article:
“Politics, poor planning leave lethal legacy —
There they go again: More Canadian Spent Fuel Dumped on SRS
More Canadian nuclear waste to SRS
“Defuelling completed at Canadian research reactor”
World Nuclear News, 27 September 2019
“Ahead of its decommissioning,
Opposition to NNSA Request for HEU Export to Europe
Intervention before the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the matter of an export license application by the National Nuclear Security Administration to export bomb-grade uranium (highly enriched uranium, HEU) to Europe for medical isotope production.
WOW!: Environmental Victory on Y-12 Bomb Plant Case Holds Implications for DOE’s Push for Unjustified Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) at SRS
Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance (OREPA), with Nuclear Watch New Mexico and Natural Resources Defense Council NRDC)
For Immediate release,
“Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protections” – by Congressional Research Service
“Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protections”
Congressional Research Service, September 23, 2019 – linked here:
“Whistleblowing can be defined as “the act of reporting waste,
Warrior Against Government Waste Inspired Us to Fight Against MOX, Wasteful DOE Projects
“Remembering Peter Stockton”
A friend of SRS Watch and a warrior for good government and against waste of taxpayer money will be missed.
“Advocates threaten suit over…pit-making plans” at SRS, Los Alamos
“Advocates threaten suit over labs’ pit-making plans”
Albuquerque (New Mexico) Journal, September 18, 2019
“SANTA FE — Lawyers for three advocacy groups, including one in New
House Continuing Resolution for DOE, Government Funding into Fiscal Year 2020 Released
The House Continuing Resolution to fund the government into Fiscal Year 2020 (starts October 1, 2019) until November 21, 2019 has been posted by the House Rules Committee.
Armed Services’ “Conference Committee” to Decide on Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP), Defense Issues
The fate of the proposed, unjutified Plutonium Bomb Plant (PPB) at SRS now is the hands of the Armed Services’ conference committee. We don’t know much about Republican members of that committee but big-government big-spender Rep.
Pressure from Senate on Proposed “Plutonium Bomb Plant” (PBP) at SRS
US senators wrote on Sept. 13, 2019 to House & Senate Armed Services leaders, against unjustified “Plutonium Bomb Plant” at SRS, for provocative, new W87-1 nuclear warhead.
Under the misguided proposal from DOE,
Senate Appropriations Committee Votes on DOE Funding, September 12, 2019
The Senate Appropriations Committee zeros out Yucca Mountain funding, cuts the Virtual Test Reactor (VTR) & keeps the plutonium sustainment slush fund for going – for “pits” for nuclear weapons.
“How to Starve Trump’s Lust for Nukes” (including the Plutonium Bomb Plant at SRS)
This opinion piece underscores the importance of the House-Senate “conference committee” on the defense bill (National Defense Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2020), where the fate of the unjustified Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) at Savannah River Site will be decided.