This opinion piece underscores the importance of the House-Senate “conference committee” on the defense bill (National Defense Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2020), where the fate of the unjustified Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) at Savannah River Site will be decided.
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Congress to Decide on Defense Bill, Unjustified “Plutonium Bomb Plant” at SRS
The fate of the unjustified “Plutonium Bomb Plant” (PBP) at DOE’s Savannah River Site is on the table this week when the defense bill – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 –
U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee to Act on DOE Budget, September 12, 2019
Senate Appropriations to “mark up” legislation on DOE spending – will they act responsibly for our national security or will they support dangerous projects like the proposed “Plutonium Bomb Plant”
Japan’s plutonium stockpile remain proliferation threat
Japan reports domestically and to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that it continues to stockpile a large amount of weapon-usable plutonium. Japan should make an official announcement that its bungled plan to reprocess spent nuclear reactor fuel in the problem-plagued Rokkasho facility,
Time to Hit the Brakes on the Unjustified Plutonium Pit Project at SRS
“Guest Column: New plutonium mission at SRS is the pits”
Succumbing to organizational flaws, the U.S. Department of Energy is rushing into a controversial and complex project at the Savannah River Site for which costs and need have not been established.
DOE Documents on Plutonium, HEU Packaging and Shipment
While there may need to be some removal of plutonium and highly enriched uranium in situations where the material is at risk of theft,
“Plutonium Bomb Plant” at SRS Designed to Fuel Nuclear Arms Race with Russia
TOTAL MADNESS!: The proposed Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) at SRS is part of the formula for a new US-Russia nuclear arms race.
“Russian Nuclear Blast Theories Hint at No-Holds-Barred Arms Race”
Plutonium Bomb Plant at SRS? “Plutonium & People Don’t Mix: Rocky Flats: Colorado’s Defunct Nuclear Bomb Factory”
We encourage you to read about the ongoing plutonium nightmare caused by DOE’s plutonium pit production at the Rocky Flats site near Denver, Colorado. This might cause you to think twice about the proposed Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) at SRS.
Nevada says: “The Department of Energy is trying to turn the Silver State into the Radioactive State.”
— State of Nevada files with 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on March 11, 2019 to stop more plutonium shipments from SRS to Nevada and require removal of 1/2 tonne already shipped to the Nevada National Security Site
Filing of March 11,
SRS Watch in: “Lethal legacy – Why SC is likely stuck with a stockpile of the nation’s most dangerous nuclear materials”
Charleston (South Carolina) Post & Courier, July 7, 2019, front page print edition
Articles on US DOE’s “scoping” meeting on preparation of an EIS on the proposed Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) at SRS.
Things are getting off to a very shaky start on this process as DOE is rushing things without presenting justification for the questionable plutonium “pit” project – DOE’s typical recipe for failure with such complex,
“NNSA collects comments on plutonium pit proposal at SRS”
Augusta (Georgia) Chronicle, June 27, 2019
“Opinions of SRS plutonium pit production clash at North Augusta public forum”
Aiken (South Carolina) Standard, June 27, 2019
June 27, 2019
“Locals divided on nuclear weapon program at SRS”
WFXG TV, Augusta, GA, June 27, 2019
Meeting set for Thursday [June 27, 2019] on impact of SRS plutonium pit production
Augusta (Georgia) Chronicle, June 26, 2019, article linked here
Plutonium “Pit” Production for New Nuclear Weapons Wrong for SRS – SRS Watch Opinion
Guest Editorial: New Plutonium Warhead Mission at SRS is the Pits
Aiken (South Carolina) Standard, June 24, 2019
by Tom Clements, Director, SRS Watch
Succumbing to organizational flaws,
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board makes stunning allegations about risks of tritium operations – for nuclear weapons – at SRS
See Recommendation 2019-02, in Federal Register, June 19, 2019
– linked here:
Effects of Tritium Release: Much of
the in-process tritium at the Tritium
Facilities may be in the form of gas,
“Proposed plutonium pit expansion raising questions”
WJBF TV, Augusta, Georgia
“Critics raise concerns over proposed atomic bomb factory near Aiken”
Front page article in The State newspaper, Columbia, SC,. June 15, 2019 on the forum on the Plutonium Bomb Plant proposed for SRS
print edition title: “Critics raise concerns over proposed atomic bomb factory near Aiken”
Victory for SRS Watch and allied groups
Federal Government Meets Watchdogs’ Demand for Environmental Review of Expanded Plutonium “Pit” Production (for Nuclear Weapons), Including Preparation of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on Proposed “Plutonium Bomb Plant” (PBP) at SRS
In a victory for transparency and legal compliance by the government,
Markup of H.R. 2500 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020
June 4, 2019, 3:30 p.m., Subcommittee on Strategic Forces
Markup of H.R. 2500 – National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020 – To be Webcast- linked here
We’ll see what they have to say about two plutonium bomb plants,
Despite a propaganda push by DOE, boosters and Aiken, SC media for plutonium pit production in the Plutonium Bomb Plant (PBP) at SRS, for unjustified new and refurbished nuclear weapons, looks like the scheme has hit a big snag….
House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee mark-up is at 3:30 p.m. on June 4 — SRS pit production will NOT be authorized or funded by Congress
Mark-up language: “H.R.
“Noted Environmental Lawyers Warn Government Not to Expand Production of Plutonium Bomb Cores in Violation of National Environmental Policy Act and Public Review”
News release, June 4, 2019 – SRS Watch, Nuclear Watch New Mexico, Tri-Valley CAREs
On behalf of three public interest organizations – Nuclear Watch New Mexico,
The DOE memo concerning the mysterious & sudden departure of Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management has been obtained but the reason for her departure isn’t clear.
It is likely related to the contamination with fission products at the Portsmouth enrichment plant, which could have been caused by re-enrichment of contaminated uranium (reprocessed uranium or RepU),
Looks like DOE is soliciting three gloveboxes for the plutonium dilute & dispose (D&D) method at SRS, for 34 metric tons of surplus weapon-grdae plutonium
Keep your eye open for the “Notice of Intent” by NNSA – in the Federal Register – to prepare some form of an EIS on D&D.
Solicitation from Federal Business Opportunities,
Savannah River Site Watch participated in the annual “DC Days” of the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA)
On May 20-22, 2019, 70 participants from 20 states, mostly near DOE sites, held over 100 meetings on the Hill and with agencies.
On May 21,
Plutonium at SRS…
It’s old information, but see the SRS Watch Facebook page post of May 19, 2019 for the amount of surplus weapon-grade plutonium stored at SRS – something known for a decade and long publicized by SRS Watch.
“Years of mismanagement, delays at nuclear waste sites could pose risk, report says”
SRS Watch in WSB-TV (Atlanta, Georgia) report o n challenges posed by high-level nuclear waste at SRS and other DOE site
JACKSON, S.C. – A scathing government report showed years of mismanagement of nuclear waste disposal could be creating a real risk to people living near decades-old nuclear waste sites.
“Savannah River Site ash cleanup aims to protect wetlands”
SRS not only has nuclear and chemical waste problems its got
COAL ASH problems….
Augusta (Georgia) Chronicle, April 28, 2019 – article linked here
Savannah River National Lab memo, April 23, 2019 – inching towards “in situ decommissioning”
– filling the facility with concrete – of the 235-F building, where Plutonium-238 was processed into fuel pellets for space probes. About 400 grams of that nasty isotope remains in the building.