August 31, 2016: Why are the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and CB&I AREVA MOX Services dragging their feet in resolving the issue of potentially faulty welds in six plutonium-handling gloveboxes supplied to the bungled MOX project at the Savannah River Site?
SRS Watch News
SRS Watch in Hirohsima, Nagasaki
Savannah River Site is honored to have director Tom Clements participate in activities from August 3-9, 2016 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan on the 71st anniversary of the bombings.
MOX Plant Violations
CB&I AREVA MOX Services Issued Two Violations by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission for Improper Documentation for Safety-Related Components to Support Floor Panels in MOX Plant;
NRC’s Office of Investigations Reviews Allegation of False Welding Documentation,
U.S. Department of Energy Advisory Panel Recommends Against Bringing AVR and THTR Spent Fuel from Germany to Savannah River Site (SRS) in South Carolina for Processing and Dumping
SRS Citizens Advisory Board (SRS CAB) Rejects DOE Plan to Import German High-Level Nuclear Waste, Vote Not Binding but Reflects Public Opposition to Waste Import from Juelich and Ahaus
SRS CAB position statement of July 26,
Savannah River Remediation (SRR) presentation to Institute for Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) meeting in Atlanta, July 26, 2016
Savannah River Downblending Program for Surplus, Non-Pit Plutonium” (vs MOX debacle)
— from the presentation:
•Downblending Pu oxide reduces safeguards attractiveness level
•Pu oxide downblending previously demonstrated at SRS,
SRS Watch director to speak in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan
Tom Clements, director of SRS Watch, will be participating in panel discussions from August 2-10, 2016 in Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagaski, Japan about plutonium proliferation and the failure of the US plutonium fuel (MOX) project.
Naval nuclear waste to SRS?
SRS Watch Alert: More nuclear waste coming in to the Savannah River Site with no exit strategy? Why consider U.S. Navy reactor disposal at SRS given the wet climate and permeable soils and that SRS is a clean-up site?
“Drones Over SRS or Not?” Update – July 2, 2016
As SRS/DOE/Centerra leaked the “news” about supposed drones over SRS and unknown SRS security personnel inexplicably involved SRS Watch in the matter – though we know absolutely nothing about it –
DOE Reveals Moratorium since 2014 on Domestic Defense Plutonium Shipments to Savannah River Site (SRS) – in Documents Filed in Federal Case on Plutonium Removal from South Carolina
Court Filings of June 21, 2016 by DOE also State No International Plutonium Shipments to SRS for the Next Two Years
SRS Watch news release linked here
Plutonium Proliferation Alert! Plutonium from Japan to SRS
SRS Watch statement on plutonium arrival at SRS – linked here
As we have suspected for the last few days, SRS Watch can confirm that the ships carrying 331 kgs of plutonium from Japan have arrived.
Drugs and Plutonium MOX Don’t Mix or Does the NNSA and CBI AREVA MOX Services Think They Do….?
Who me?! The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has clarified that it does not regulate drug testing or drug use at the MOX plant at the Savannah River Site.
In response to a May 2,
MOX Project Drug-Use Cover-up? Or Not?
Faked tests or faked testing? Or not? Use of synthetic urine or not? Attention CB&I AREVA MOX Services and NNSA: for the sake of worker and public safety, please publicly explain and defend your drug testing program at the MOX site.
MOX Construction Performance Unsatisfactory
SRS Watch Obtains MOX Fiscal Year 2015 Award Fee Documents for CB&I AREVA MOX Services via FOIA request, Publicly Releases them as DOE’s NNSA and CB&I AREVA MOX Services Fail to Do So
MOX Services Rated “Satisfactory” for Bonus Fee Award for FY 2015
NNSA Determines “Overall performance below the level needed for successful project execution” and Drug Testing Inadequate!!!!
“Trillion Dollar Trainwreck: Out-of-control U.S. nuclear weapons programs accelerate spending, proliferation, health and safety risks”
“Trillion Dollar Trainwreck: Out-of-control U.S. nuclear weapons programs accelerate spending, proliferation, health and safety risks” — Report on the US DOE’s Fiscal Year 2017 budget request to Congress, by the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability,
DOE to Dispose of 6 metric Tons of SRS Plutonium as Waste
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) releases signed “Record of Decision” (ROD) on disposing of 6 metric tons of plutonium located at SRS in the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP),
NNSA Informs Congress of MOX Debacle Termination, April 1, 2016
The DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) delivered its 2015 report to Congress on April 1, 2016 and affirmed termination of the MOX boondoggle.
NNSA report Prevent,
A Peek Behind the Unjustified Veil of Secrecy: New MOX Photos
New Aerial Photos Released of Plutonium Fuel (MOX) Plant Under Construction at U.S. Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site (SRS) in South Carolina
To view all photos,
“Alternatives to MOX” – presentation by Dr. Frank von Hippel & Dr. Edwin Lyman
Pre-Nuclear Security Summit Briefing on Plutonium Disposition and “Alternatives to MOX” at US DOE’s Savannah River Site (SRS), Augusta, Georgia (near SRS), 10:30 a.m., March 29, 2016, at SRS Citizens Advisory Board meeting
Plutonium Shipment from Japan to SRS Gets Under Way
Pacific Egret docks in Tokai-Mura, Japan to pick up 331 kgs of plutonium; Egret departed at about 3 p.m. Japan time on March 22, 2016, bound for SRS,
Plutonium Shipment from Japan to SRS
Exclusive Photos of Not-So-Secret Plutonium Operation in Japan!
Mission has been badly bungled, backfires
“Nuclear Security Summit Effect” — Stimulating Plutonium Shipment from Japan to US
Slideshow is of PNTL’s UK-flagged Pacific Egret arriving and docking in the port of Tokaimura on March 21,
Nuclear Shipments to the Savannah River Site – Non-Proliferation Theatrics?
Obama & the “Nuclear Security Summit Effect”: Nuclear Shipments to the Savannah River Site and Non-Proliferation Theatrics?
This week in Washington, the SRS Watch director, Tom Clements,
Like We Told You: DOE Admits Plutonium Shipment from Switzerland to SRS
NNSA Cracks, Finally Admits Plutonium Import from Switzerland to US (SRS)….Like We’ve Been Saying for Weeks
National Nuclear Security Administration
U.S Department of Energy
For Immediate Release –
Shhhh…..Plutonium from Swizterland to SRS
NNSA Gobsmacked Over Losing Control of Plutonium-Shipment News – Allegiance to Nuclear Security Summit PR Rather than Transparency with the Public Catches Officials Flat Footed – Plutonium-Shipment Cat Jumps Out of the DOE Nuclear Bag as NNSA Maintains a Bumbling Silence
Swiss Government Forced to Admit Shipment of 20 Kilograms (44 Pounds) of Plutonium to the United States – to US DOE’s Savannah River Site,
Plutonium Ghost Ship Due Home in UK!
February 29 (Leap Year) Update: The Oceanic Pintail is expected back in its home port of Barrow on the Monday afternoon, February 29, high tide. US DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration maintains its unjustified and stunned silence about the shipment to SRS of German and Swiss plutonium on board the Pintail.
Plutonium Ships on the Move, from UK to Japan
ATTENTION International Non-Proliferation and Environmental Community: The count-down on the arrival of the UK-flagged Pacific Egret and Pacific Heron to pick up 331 kilograms of plutonium at Tokai, Japan has begun.
“Activist group praises ORNL’s reactor report”
“Activist group praises ORNL’s reactor report”
– in Frank Munger’s Atomic City Underground blog (Knoxville, Tennessee), February 26, 2016 – linked here
SRS Watch alert,
European Plutonium Arrives at SRS – Stranded!
Ship Arrives in Charleston, South Carolina with Nuclear Cargo Destined to be Stranded at the Savannah River Site; Cargo of Plutonium from Germany (Karlsruhe) and Switzerland (Paul Scherrer Institut) in Advance of Nuclear Security Summit (Washington,
DOE Asks Congress to Terminate MOX Boondoggle
MOX gets MASHED! DOE, After All the Painful Years of the MOX Mess Dragging On & On, Says MOX Boondoggle is to be Terminated
DOE Budget Calls for Termination of for Mismanaged Plutonium Fuel (MOX) Project at DOE’s Savannah River Site;
Plutonium Ships Spotted in Panama Canal, bound for Japan and then Charleston, SC
SRS Watch news, February 6, 2016
UK-Flagged Ships Set to Transport Plutonium from Japan to US Located in Panama Canal!
Plutonium Ships Depart Barrow-in-Furness, England, Bound for Japan and then SRS
Transport Ships Involved in Controversial Plutonium Shipment from Japan to US DOE’s Savannah River Site (SRS) Depart Port in Great Britain, Transport Completion Doubtful before Nuclear Security Summit in March
Bulk of 331 Kilograms of Plutonium is of UK Origin and Must Not be Dumped at SRS –