NRC letters of January 25, 2017 to Secured Transportation Services:
CAROLINA, DOCKET NUMBER: 070-07011” – linked here
AIKEN, SOUTH CAROLINA, DOCKET NUMBER: 070-07011” – linked here
photo: truck and shipping container with Canadian liquid high-level nuclear waste to be unnecessarily dumped at SRS, from DOE’s “
SUPPLEMENT ANALYSIS FOR THE FOREIGN RESEARCH REACTOR SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL ACCEPTANCE PROGRAM – Highly Enriched Uranium Target Residue Material Transportation,” November 2015; DOE has refused for almost four years to honor a public interest group request to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on the matter, resulting in a self-inflicted delay in the unjustified shipments—–
for more on the devices, see “Radioisotopic Thermoelectric Generator (RTG) Surveillance, ” a presentation by Los Alamos National Lab, September 2016 – Â publicly posted last week and linked here
At SRS, the closed building that processed Pu-238 for RTGs remains a challenge to clean up – see October 4, 2016 presentation to SRS Citizens Advisory Board: Â “
Status Building 235-F Project.” Â An accident with aerial release of the plutonium-238 would pose a risk to workers at the nearby plutonium-239 MOX debacle, also in the F-Area.—-
Augusta (Georgia) Chronicle, January 27, 2016 – article linked here
No matter the federal court ruling on this matter, the lawsuit demanding an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) – should have been prepared four years ago when we requested it – has exposed this DOE-Canada dumping-for-profit scheme for what it is.
Too bad SRS has to scrape around to fund operation of the H-Canyon by dodgy projects such as this or processing of German spent fuel and can’t muster the political weight to get H-Canyon funded through budgetary appropriations.
Hmm…if SRS has to rent out H-Canyon for such questionable work one has to wonder if DOE feels that the 61-year-old reprocessing plant is needed.
Photo: aging H-Canyon reprocessing plant at SRS, now reprocessing research reactor spent fuel and processing – in HB-Line – weapon-grade plutonium into oxide (to be disposed of as waste)
The False Claims Act case brought in the North Georgia federal court against Energy & Process Corporation for supplying a massive amount of unqualified rebar to the CB&I AREVA MOX Services project is alive and moving. Â The rebar was supplied to be used in the foundation of the MOX plant. Â MOX Services incorrectly qualified the rebar vendor but was inexplicably removed by the federal attorney as a plaintiff.
âSTEVE C. JONES, UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE ordered the following on January 12, 2017 – order linked here
“Defendant Energy & Process Corporation (âE&Pâ) and Plaintiff the United States of America (the âUnited Statesâ) have filed a joint motion for extension of certain deadlines associated with filing responsive pleadings and briefing a motion to dismiss that E&P plans to file challenging the United Statesâ Complaint in Intervention. The Court has considered the joint motion and concludes that good cause exists for the Court to grant the requested extensions. Accordingly, the motion is GRANTED, and the following deadlines shall apply…” (see link to order & photo above)
See the 2017 “Savannah River Site Community Preparedness Information” calendar for details. SRS Watch has an extra copy that can be mailed to a local SRS resident. If more than one person wants the calendar we’ll hold a drawing.
Or, contact: Â Offsite Emergency Management, Programs Coordinator Bldg 703-45A, Savannah River Site, PO Box 616, Aiken, SC 29802-9975
â2013 presentation to SRS Citizens Advisory Board (SRS CAB) on emergency planning – linked here
“End in sight for reprocessing nuclear fuel at Sellafield”
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) post of January 24, 2017 Â –
linked here
The UK’s voluntary report to the IAEA on its civil plutonium stocks – INFCIRC 549, January 17, 2017 – show the UK has a stockpile of 129.4 metric tons of weapon-usable plutonium, with 23.2 MT of that belonging to “foreign bodies” (mostly Japan).
photo: grossly inefficient Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant (THORP) white elephant reprocessing plant at Sellafield, courtesy of Bellona – long past time to get rid of this “Major mistake” (as in UK Prime Minister John Major who made the bad decision to open THORP in 1997)
– 14 positions with DOE are open at SRS but subject to the hiring freeze (not yet well defined);
– 45 canisters of vitrified high-level nuclear waste have been filled in the Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) in Fiscal Year 2017;–
- 4147 DWPF canisters have been filled to date;
- Goal for canisters to be filled in FY 2017: Â 80;
- Number of DWPF canisters that have so far been âdouble stackedâ in the first canister storage building:Â 87;
- HB-Line in âsustained operationâ and producing plutonium oxide;
- Downblending plutonium as waste continuing in the K-Area glovebox â plutonium is mixed with a secret, inert material known as âstardust” and packaged in âCriticality Control Overpacksâ (CCOs), which can hold up to 380 grams of plutonium;
- Trump transitions people have asked SRS about infrastructure needs (but no indication about funding for this).
- SRS Watch public comment included informing CAB members of these outstanding SRS Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, for which there has as of yet been no response:
       1.  SRS âNuclear Materials Management Planâ for 2015 and 2016;
2.  Documents, reports and photos on the SRS âDrone Scare                2016;â
3.  Request for the CD-0 documents on expanding plutonium               downblending capacity at SRS;
4.  Reports prepared for German entities on processing and                dumping of German AVR & THTR reactor spent fuel &                   documents on any transfer of funds to support Savannah              River Nuclear Lab (SRNL) research into reprocessing and                dumping of the spent fuel into aging SRS waste tanks;
5.  Documents on CB&I AREVA MOX Services MOX Fiscal Year               2016 “award fee” (bonus) documents – OK, we also wonder               how the mismanaged project could get even a penny from                 DOE/NNSA as a bonus.  The full bonus amount should go into               investigations into waste, fraud, abuse & mismanagement by              MOX Services and contractors such as Superior Air Handling                (rumored to have badly botched the HVAC work).
Radioactive WasteâRolling Through Your Town?
“That truck next to you on the highway may contain âthe most radioactively hazardous materials on Earth.â”
January 25, 2017 blog linked here
reposted on Ecowatch: Most Radioactive Waste on Earth May Soon Roll Through Your Town       Â
Are there downblending & solidification options that don’t involve dumping at SRS? Â Yes – see documents linked below. Hmmm, could the driver for this dumping scheme be the $60 million Canada is paying…?
Indonesian treatment of similar US-origin material – “Proposed Subsequent Arrangement” by DOE, in US Federal Register, February 22, 2016 -Â linked here
Argonne National Lab report on solidification of of similar medical isotope liquid waste: Â “WASTE TREATMENT OF ACIDIC SOLUTIONS FROM THE DISSOLUTION OF IRRADIATED LEU TARGETS FOR 99MO PRODUCTION”:Â Â http://www.ipd.anl.gov/anlpubs/2016/10/130886.pdf
Key German Official: No Movement of AVR Spent Fuel from Juelich to Ahaus, Germany or to the US for 2-3 Years – Dumping Scheme Languishes, SRS Option Fading & Should be Terminated
— January 24, 2017 news release by German group Aktionsbündnis Münsterland gegen Atomanlagen Bürgerinitiative âKein Atommüll in Ahausâ e.V.:
petition by numerous German groups against the transport – linked here
This dumping-for-profit scheme is another early test of DOE under the Trump administration – will DOE change course or is it business as usual?
— from the January 2017 Aiken Sierra Club newsletter:
“Our meeting on March 12 will feature Tom Clements of SRS Watch who will give a presentation on various current issues at SRS including high-level waste management, the imports of nuclear waste and plutonium, the status of the MOX project, nuclear weapons. terminating nuclear imports.”
Those interested in and concerned about the future of the Savannah River Site, including critics of SRS, those concerned about nuclear waste import, workers at SRS clean-up projects and workers at the mismanaged MOX project are encouraged to attend and engage in constructive discussion about the future of the site.
State of South Carolina Pleads Again in Federal Court for Fines to be Levied Against DOE for Failure to Remove Plutonium from the State Due to Collapse of MOX Project, January 13, 2017
Filing of State of South Carolina vs DOE, in federal court in South Carolina, linked here
Federal law requires a $1 million/day fine – up to $100 million/year – for failure by DOE to remove 1 metric ton/year of plutonium from SRS, due to MOX debacle
At the end of the day, if this Court allows the Federal Defendants to split this case, handicapping the State in enforcing all of the statutory remedies Congress afforded, then this Court is eviscerating the very statute that was enacted to protect the State by providing the State all of those remedies. Section 2566 contemplates jurisdiction in this Court, and governing law waives sovereign immunity to allow enforcement by the State of all the statutory remedies available to it.
For the reasons set forth above and in the Stateâs Memorandum of Law in Support of its Motion for Reconsideration, the Order should be amended and revised to apply the proper jurisdictional analysis under the APA and find that this Court has jurisdiction over, and that the Federal Defendants have waived their sovereign immunity with respect to, all of the Stateâs requests for relief to remedy the Federal Defendantsâ unlawful inaction.
photo: @Carolina Peace Resource Center (CPRC), by Paul Palmer, June 30, 2016 in front of federal court house in Columbia, South Carolina
If big budget cuts are coming to DOE then the plutonium fuel (MOX) project at the Savannah River Site is history, unless parochial politics trumps good policies and fiscal conservatism
“Trump team prepares dramatic cuts”
The Hill, January 19, 2017 – linked here
photo above from Friends of the Earth video on MOX pork: “Oink: Stop Sen. Graham’s plutonium pork boondoggle“ – click on image for link to MOX video or here
â”Radionuclide Inventories for the F- and H-Area Seepage Basin
Groundwater Plumes”
by Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), May 2016 –
â-Â report linked here
“Within the General Separations Areas (GSA) at the Savannah River Site (SRS), significant inventories of radionuclides exist within two major groundwater contamination plumes that are emanating from the F- and H-Area seepage basins. These radionuclides are moving slowly with groundwater migration, albeit more slowly due to interaction with the soil and aquifer matrix material. The purpose of this investigation is to quantify the activity of radionuclides associated with the pore water component of the groundwater plumes.”
The 61-year-old H-Canyon reprocessing plant is still operating; the F-Canyon has been closed and awaits decommissioning.
âSee article in major French newspaper into investigations into AREVA, January 15, 2017:
“US Justice and FBI Investigate Areva”
“The Department of Justice has asked the FBI to investigate the acquisition of Uramin by Areva in 2007. The operation could fall under the Anti-Corruption Act.”
in French, Le Journal du Dimanche , January 15, 2017
“La justice américaine et le FBI vont enquêter sur Areva
Le département de la Justice a demandé au FBI dâenquêter sur lâacquisition dâUramin par Areva en 2007. Lâopération pourrait tomber sous le coup de la loi anticorruption.”
Note: Â This article and an article in the French magazine Capital in January 2017 are prompting a long-delayed look into AREVA’s role in the US MOX debacle.
If DOE/SRNL think they can continue to pursue the proposal to dump AVR and THTR reactor spent fuel at SRS they should become informed about legal problems and spent fuel transportation concerns in Germany, a heavy lift for DOE to overcome. The logical conclusion remains: terminate the unjustified spent fuel dumping scheme.
SRS schedule for environmental documents, including the German spent fuel dumping EA – linked here
In the list linked above, see “EA for the Acceptance and Disposition of Used Nuclear Fuel Containing U.S.-Origin Highly Enriched Uranium from the Federal Republic of GermanyDOE/EA-1977SR POCs: Maxcine Maxted, Nuclear Material Programs Division Tracy Williams, EQMDEM POC: Edgard Espinosa, EM-22GC POC: Carrie Abravanel, GC-54(http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/06/f16/EA-1977-NOI-2014.pdf)”
“A date for issuance of the final EA was not available at the time this status report was prepared.“
An SRS Watch Freedom of Information Act request for recent SRS-Germany documents is still pending. Â See the initial DOE response of December 7, 2016 linked here.Â
The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources will hold a hearing on Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. EST in Room 366 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C.
The purpose of the hearing is to consider the nomination of the Honorable Rick Perry to be the Secretary of Energy.
The nomination hearing will be webcast live on the committeeâs website. Witness testimony will be available online immediately before the start of the hearing.
Perry is on a steep learning curve about what DOE does. Â We’ll find out if he’s done his homework and if he has a clue about how badly DOE and CB&I AREVA MOX Services and Superior Air Handling have botched the MOX project at SRS. Will he vow to support investigations into waste, fraud, abuse & mismanagement of the MOX project? Â Or, will he be silent for now?
-Â first 24 drums that went underground were from SRS; Â Mr. Craig didn’t say if they were drums with Pipe Overpacks Containers (POCs) containing SRS downblended plutonium (97 drums with SRS POCs were in the Waste Handling Building)
-Â SRS is in the running with ORNL and INL to ship to WIPP; first shipment possible in early April;
-Â Criag and three other site managers are to meet at WIPP during the second week of Feb. to discuss shipping schedule;
-Â Drums with containers – Criticality Control Overpacks – of large amounts of surplus plutonium (up to 380 grams) now being downblended at SRS may be shipped directly from SRS to WIPP without on-site storage.
Next meeting of the SC Nuclear Advisory Council will be on April 12, 2017, in Columbia, SC
photo: SRS director Tom Clements, on right, in Waste Handling Building at WIPP, standing beside SRS-origin drums containing downblended plutonium, October 1, 2015 – Did these go underground first?
âBellona blog linked here
“Alexei Yablokov, grandfather of Russian environmentalism, dies at 83”
“Alexei Yablokov, the towering grandfather of Russian ecology who worked with Bellona to unmask Cold War nuclear dumping practices in the Arctic, has died in Moscow after a long illness. He was 83.”
The federal court in North Georgia has agreed to postpone the next set of filings in the case until February and March 2017.
See court document of January 6, 2017 here in the following case:
See fraud symbol just below for more court documents as well as documents in the other MOX fraud case in federal court.
Though the DOE’s Office of Inspector General has been dragging its feet in investigating waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagment at the MOX project, report concerns to the OIG’s hotline: Â https://energy.gov/ig/office-inspector-general
State-owned (socialist) nuclear company AREVA, teetering on brink of finacial disaster, has French government bailout approved by European Commission
EC news release of January 10, 2016 – linked here
“State aid: Commission approves restructuring plan of French Areva group”
“The European Commission has concluded that French plans to grant a capital injection of â¬4.5 billion to Areva are in line with EU state aid rules. Areva’s restructuring plan will allow the company to become viable without unduly distorting competition in the Single Market.”
“Areva is a listed group, of which the French state owns, directly and indirectly, 86.5%. The group is active in the whole range of activities around the full nuclear fuel cycle. The situation of the civil nuclear market post-Fukushima, together with the firm’s own structural problems and business choices, led to Areva experiencing serious financial difficulties for over five years.”
Recall that the US MOX boondoggle has failed under CB&I AREVA MOX Services. Â The failure, in part, is because the design of the US MOX plant is based on AREVA’s MELOX plant and the MELOX design has not been readily transferrable to handle weapon-grade plutonium and to US operational standards. A burning question lingers: Â Was the DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration tricked into buying an inferior, dated AREVA technology that would never work in the US? Â Who is investigating this pressing matter? Â Let us know your thoughts about the problems with the design of the US MOX plant: Â srswatch@gmail.com
Though the work of the Savannah River National Lab (SRNL) appears to lack focus, the lab will likely pay a larger role at SRS in the future so it’s worth learning about.
For more on SRNL and DOE’s other labs, see the DOE report released on January 11, 2017:
The article below is misleading as SRS Watch has no knowledge of potentially faulty AREVA-supplied components to the MOX project or other US nuclear projects. Likewise, we have not said anything about the matter (about which the NRC blogged on January 10). Â We will continue to call for necessary investigations into waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement at the MOX project, whether it be of CB&I AREVA MOX Services or such contractors as Superior Air Handling (rumored to have botched the HVAC work, possibly with knowledge of MOX Services.) Â We ask MOX Services and DOE/NNSA: what do you know about possible waste, fraud, abuse & mismanagement at the MOX projects since its inception and why the lengthy and disturbing silence on the matter? Â Who is blocking such necessary investigations and protecting more wasteful spending on MOX?
“AREVA material problems raise concerns at Savannah River Site’s MOX project” Â Â
Aiken (South Carolina) Standard, January 10, 2017Â – article linked here
Containment, film on the challenges with managing nuclear waste is to be shown on PBS on Monday, January 9 at 10 p.m. EDT – with a focus on Savannah River Site, with comments by SRS Watch directorÂ
About the film – check local listings in US – Containment website linked here
How can we contain some of the deadliest, most long-lasting substances ever produced? Toxic remnants from the Cold War remain in millions of gallons of highly radioactive sludge, thousands of acres of radioactive land, tens of thousands of unused hot buildings, and  some slowly spreading deltas of contaminated groundwater. Governments around the world, desperate to protect future generations, have begun imagining society 10,000 years from now in order to create warning monuments that will speak across time to mark waste repositories.
Containment moves from a nuclear weapon facility in South Carolina where toxic swamps have led to radioactive animals, to a deep underground burial site in New Mexico, to Fukushima, Japan, where a triple meltdown occurred after the cooling systems at the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant were interrupted, leaving that city a ghost town. The film is part graphic novel and part observational essay mixed with sci-fi that is more science than fiction, weaving between an uneasy present and an imaginative, troubled distant future, exploring the struggle to keep waste confined over millennia.
Containment trailer – Â linked here
“Containment Filmmakers Go into the Future to Read the Warning Signs” – January 6, 2017Â blog on PBS about the film – linked here
Good to see this January 2, 2017 letter to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission raising concern about a pending license application for highly enriched uranium (HEU) export to the BR2 reactor in Belgium
re: “
Edlow International Company (Export of 93.20% Enriched Uranium)(Docket No. 11006235, Lic. Application No. XSNM-3771)”
“Putting aside the question of whether the BR-2 reactor could be converted to LEU fuel sooner, as the petition contends, the Belgian government now has told its Parliament that conversion to LEU fuel might be feasible as soon as 2022, which is only five years from now. This reinforces the petitionâs contention that the proposed ten-year license for export of HEU to fuel the BR-2 reactor is neither warranted nor permitted under U.S. law. It also underscores that there is no justification for the amount of HEU in the proposed license, which the applicant says is sufficient for six years of operation, given that the Belgian government says the reactor might be converted to LEU within five years, and considering that the reactor could have extended outages during that time.”
Group letter expressing concern about the export of HEU,
September 2016 – linked here
Time to get fuels using bomb-grade materials – HEU & MOX – totally out of the commercial fuel cycle!