Well, no surprise here as DOE and its contractors always aim to run far over budget with new, large and complex projects. Think MOX. Thankfully, we beat back the “Energy Park” scheme at SRS, which was a fantasy land of small “fast” reactor and commercial reprocessing (to proliferate weapon-usable plutonium, for use as nuclear fuel). Stay alert to DOE/contractors/boosters pushing for a role for SRS in the troubled “Versatile Test Reactor” project, like supplying the fuel (via use of the aged H-Canyon reprocessing plant).
“U.S. test nuclear reactor may run 40 percent over cost: government document”
Reuters, April 4, 2019 – article linked here
Thanks to the Union of Concerned Scientists for exposing DOE’s real plans to stick it to the taxpayer with the troubled Versatile Test Reactor project!