Drill at SRS facilities processing tritium – radioactive gas used to boost the explosive power of nuclear weapons – runs into snags
The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB), an independent federal agency with oversight of DOE facilities, observed an emergency preparedness drill at the SRS tritium facilities and it appears weaknesses in responding to the mock incident were revealed. The work of the DNFSB is supported by SRS Watch and other member groups in the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA).
See the review of the exercise in the DNFSB’s “Savannah River Site Activity Report for Week Ending September 13, 2019:”
“Tritium Facilities: The annual emergency preparedness exercise for the tritium facilities occurred this week. The scenario simulated an active shooter who discharged a weapon inside a facility, causing a release of tritium. SRNS personnel are currently evaluating the performance. The resident inspectors (RI) and Ms. Leigh Lin observed the exercise and the controller and player debriefs and noted the following observations. The facility emergency coordinator (FEC) did not demonstrate the appropriate level of command and control during the exercise. He failed to announce his assumption of the FEC role and there were instances where it appeared that the FEC was not in charge. This was likely partially due to the fact that there was five FEC-qualified individuals in the control room playing. Additionally, a Board staff member observed an instance where a controller gave information that was not earned. Further, despite the fact that all tritium personnel were supposed to be participating in the exercise, the staff member observed personnel that were walking around and eating while the active shooter and tritium release were ongoing. The Technical Support Room performed well and corrected a mistake in the emergency classification. The controller and player debriefs both noted issues with communication. For example, the public address announcements for the all clear was not specific as to whether it was in regards to the active shooter, the tritium release, both, and whether it was specific to a building or all the facilities within the tritium fence line.”
DNFSB report posted here: https://www.dnfsb.gov/sites/default/files/document/19026/Savannah%20River%20Week%20Ending%20September%2013%202019.pdf