The 310-square mile U.S. Department of Energy site is in the state of South Carolina, southeast of Augusta, Georgia and south of Aiken, South Carolina.
SRS is NOT a disposal site for any form of high-level nuclear waste, which includes spent fuel (as defined by US law).
High-level waste (HLW) now at SRS is required by US law to go to a geologic repository. But the US has no such repository, so HLW at the site is now stranded. Do not be fooled by any misinformation that commercial spent fuel brought from Germany is being sent to the site for disposal. SRS is a key facility in the US nuclear weapons complex, having produced 36 metric tons of weapon-grade plutonium and the site still processes all tritium gas for nuclear warheads. The site is struggling to deal with a large quantity of high-level waste – 37 million gallons, which were in 51 large tanks – remaining form nuclear weapons production. We do not want more waste brought into the site as it negatively impacts urgent and on-going clean-up activities.SRS is not a spent fuel disposal site! SRS ist kein Atommüllkippe!
For more information, contact SRS Watch at