Among other things, DOE’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNA) must halt proceeding on plans for the unauthorized and unfunded SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant (PMP) until the following (and other) things are complied with. Use of taxpayer money from the plutonium slush fund (aka “plutonium sustainment fund”) to develop the PBP must be halted.
Demands concerning PBP Nov 12 2019:
1. Plans for the Plutonium Bomb Plant must be halted until authorized and funded by Congress.
2. Justification must be given for the “need” for the new “W87-1-like” warhead, for which new pits must be made and which poses the risk of stimulating a new nuclear arms race.
3. A “nuclear non-proliferation impact assessment” must be prepared on the risks of the Plutonium Bomb Plant and the new and provocative “W-87-1- like” nuclear warhead.
4. The legally mandated Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS), to analyze the pit project’s overall need and role of all DOE facilities in that project, must be prepared by NNSA.
5. The MOX debacle must be investigated by Congress for fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement before any consideration of converting the ill-constructed MOX facility into a bomb plant.
6. The SRS Watch request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for documents on the plutonium fuel (MOX) plant “repurposing” into a Plutonium Bomb Plant must be responded to. (Lawyer request for completion date for FOIA 19-00083 Nov 6 2019 – NNSA has until Dec. 9, 2019 to state when the documents will be provided.)
7. Special Grand Jury documents concerning Rocky Flats contamination and illegal activities at the site must be publicly released and the cover-up ended. No construction on the former Rocky Flats site.
— by Tom Clements, director SRS Watch, at public forum “Rocky Flats Disaster: Red Light for SRS Plutonium Bomb Plant”
November 12, 2019, Aiken, SC library