U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Revised License Renewal Schedule for the
Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC
Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility
Docket 70-1151
SNM -1107
The schedule for the release of the draft EIS on the Westinghouse uranium fuel plant near Columbia, SC has been delayed from June 2021 to July 2021. Likewise, the anticipated issuance of a license extension for the plant has been delayed from February 2022 to March 2022.
Stay tuned for release of the draft EIS and how for the public to comment on it.
NRC letter, May 28, 2021: https://adamswebsearch2.nrc.gov/webSearch2/main.jsp?AccessionNumber=ML21138A926
Photo: Westinghouse fuel plant, near Congaree River, Hopkins, SC, photo by High Flyer