The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has notified the holders of the Combined Operating Licenses for the VC Summer units 2 & 3 inn South Carolina that the COLs have been terminated. The termination letters were posted in ADAMS on March 13, 2019. This is the official end of the bungled, costly project (a waste of $11+ billion).
NRC letter to SCE&G terminating COLs for VC Summer units 2 & 3
NRC letter to Santee Cooper (45% partner in the project) terminating COLs, March 7, 2019:
And, the other nuclear construction boondoggle in South Carolina – the plutonium fuel MOX project – had its “construction authorization” terminated by the NRC on Feb. 8, 2019. See SRS Watch news release on that:
The MOX boondoggle merits in-depth investigations by US Government agencies, federal attorneys and Congress – just how deep does the fraud, waste, abuse and mismanagement go????